NeighborhoodMarketTrends helps Homeseekers understand recent market activity in their target neighborhood and how that activity may be reflected in the home prices of that neighborhood.

Our SDK products are served from a single source.
- React
- React Native
- Vanilla JavaScript
The SDKs are designed to work with React and other declarative frameworks.
First, install the entry script with npm
, yarn
, or pnpm
npm i --save @local-logic/sdks-js
yarn add @local-logic/sdks-js
pnpm add @local-logic/sdks-js
import { useRef, useEffect } from "react";
import LLSDKsJS from "@local-logic/sdks-js";
const globalOptions = {
locale: "en", // If available, change to either english or french
appearance: {
theme: "day",
// Add any other appearance changes here
variables: {
"--ll-color-primary": "#fd3958",
"--ll-color-primary-variant1": "#d5405b",
"--ll-font-family": "Avenir, sans-serif"
const localLogicClient = LLSDKsJS("your-api-key-here", globalOptions);
function NeighborhoodMarketTrendsSDKComponent() {
const containerRef = useRef(null);
useEffect(() => {
if (!containerRef.current) {
const sdkOptions = {
geographyId: "g10_drt2yt86"
// ...Other sdk specific options
const sdkInstance = localLogicClient.create(
// It is important to destroy the SDK instance when the component is unmounted.
return () => {
}, []);
return (
// Height is dependent on the SDK you are implementing
height: "100%",
width: "100%",
export default NeighborhoodMarketTrendsSDKComponent;
The Local Logic React Native SDK component allows you to easily add one of our SDKs to your native Android and iOS apps using React Native.
First, install the entry script with npm
, yarn
, or pnpm
npm i --save @local-logic/sdks-js
yarn add @local-logic/sdks-js
pnpm add @local-logic/sdks-js
Install React Native Webview dependency
React Native Webview is used to port Local Logic SDKs to React Native.
Expo CLI
Install supported react-native-webview
version for Expo applications using Expo CLI.
npx expo install react-native-webview
React Native CLI
Install react-native-webview
using your project's package manager:
npm i --save react-native-webview
yarn add react-native-webview
pnpm add react-native-webview
If using CocoaPods, in the ios/
or macos/
directory run:
pod install
The React Native component accepts the same options as our web SDKs via it's options
, appearanceOptions
, and renderOptions
import LLSDKs from "@local-logic/sdks-react-native";
const globalOptions = {
locale: "en", // Change to either english or french
appearance: {
theme: "day",
// Add any other appearance changes here
variables: {
"--ll-color-primary": "#fd3958",
"--ll-color-primary-variant1": "#d5405b",
"--ll-font-family": "Avenir, sans-serif"
const sdkOptions = {
geographyId: "g10_drt2yt86"
// ...Other sdk specific options
renderOptions={{ lazy: false }}
The script is available in umd
and es
format from the Local Logic CDN:<VERSION>/index.<FORMAT>.js
is the latest script version number (which you can find on npm), and <FORMAT>
is either umd
or es
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>SDK Javascript Example</title>
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
#neighborhood-market-trends-widget {
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
<!--NOTE: If you are implementing multiple SDKs, make sure you create unique IDs for each-->
<div id="neighborhood-market-trends-widget"></div>
const globalOptions = {
locale: "en", // Change to either english or french
appearance: {
theme: "day",
// Add any other appearance changes here
variables: {
"--ll-color-primary": "#fd3958",
"--ll-color-primary-variant1": "#d5405b",
"--ll-font-family": "Avenir, sans-serif"
function loadNeighborhoodMarketTrendsSDK() {
// Your API key or token
const ll = LLSDKsJS("your-api-key-here", globalOptions);
// This is the div that will contain the widget
const sdkContainer = document.getElementById("neighborhood-market-trends-widget");
const sdkOptions = {
geographyId: "g10_drt2yt86"
// ...Other sdk specific options
const sdkInstance = ll.create("neighborhood-market-trends", sdkContainer, sdkOptions);