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Local Maps

US πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ and Canada πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦


Local Maps is a map-based search tool that allows homeseekers to select the location characteristics that matter to them and visually compare locations against their needs.

Screenshot of an example of the Local Maps widget


<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1">
<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/png" href="">
<link href='' rel='stylesheet'/>
<script src="{YOUR_GOOGLE_KEY}"></script>
<style type="text/css">
html, body {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
font-family: 'Source Sans Pro';
font-size: 14px;

#mapContainer {
padding: 100px;
margin: auto;

#map {
width: 100%;


<!-- Google Maps DOM element -->
<div id="map"></div>

<!-- Create a Google Maps Control to mount the widget -->
<script type="text/javascript">
map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'), {
center: { lat: 45.50717558, lng: -73.5780121 },
zoom: 13

var HeatmapsMapControl = function (div, map) {
var d = document.createElement('div');
d.setAttribute('id', 'local-maps');

var heatmapsControlDiv = document.createElement('div');
var heatmapsControlComponent = new HeatmapsMapControl(heatmapsControlDiv, map);

heatmapsControlDiv.index = 1;

<script type="text/javascript">

// Callback that is called when the SDK is ready to be used
function initLocallogic() {
var mapsWidget = new locallogic.LocalMaps('local-maps', {
googleMapsMap: map,
locale: 'en',
color: '#017f8f',
asMapControl: true,
hiddenScores: ['primary_schools', 'high_schools']

<!-- Load the Local Logic SDK with your Local Logic token -->
<script async defer

To test this example live, make sure to replace the YOUR_TOKEN placeholder with the token we provided to you.


Please note that if your basemap provider is not supported natively by the Local Maps SDK, it may still be supported via the leafletMap option. In this case, you will need to first find and implement the Leaflet Plugin corresponding to the basemap you would like to use. You will then need to instantiate a new Leaflet Map using the basemap as your tileLayer. The Leaflet instance can be passed to the SDK with the leafletMap option. Please note that such a configuration will be considered custom code, and only limited support options may be available.


googleMapsMapoptionalThe Google Maps map instance you want the Local Maps widget to be associated with. (You must include either this or leafletMap)
leafletMapoptionalThe Leaflet map instance you want the Local Maps widget to be associated with. (You must include either this or googleMapsMap)
localeoptionalString value that specifies the language of the widget.
Available: fr (French), en (English).
Default: en
coloroptionalHexadecimal value of the main color.
Default: #017f8f
showZoomButtonoptionalBoolean value that specifies if the Zoom In button is visible.
Default: true
maxViewportSizeoptionalNumber value that specifies maximum viewport size at which the heatmaps overlays will be displayed.
Default: 2000000000
asMapControloptionalBoolean value that specifies if you are mounting the widget as a Custom Map Control.
Default: false
hiddenScoresoptionalArray of the scores you want to hide in the Score Selector.
Important: When using the Local Schools with the Local Maps, you have to specify ['high_schools', 'primary_schools'] to remove the Schools related scores from the Local Maps.
Example: ['groceries', 'car_friendly']
Default: []
displayAsoptionalString value that defines how the Lifestyle menu will be displayed. The default setting is list. Set to grid , the list of lifestyle options will appear as a grid, rather than as a list.
countryoptionalString value that specifies the country which the Local Maps are overlaying.
Available: CA (Canada), US (United States of America)
Default: CA

If Local Maps are initialized in the US, country parameter should be set to US


isReady ()​

Returns a boolean. Don’t call any other methods unless this is true.


destroy ()​

Use this method to remove from the page and the map all elements related to the instance


categories ()​

Returns an array of categories, containing arrays of available scores

> [{title: "transportation",
scores: ["pedestrian_friendly", "transit_friendly", "car_friendly"]},
{title: "services",
scores: ["groceries", "primary_schools", "high_schools", "daycares", "restaurants", "cafes", "nightlife", "shopping"]},
{title: "character",
scores: ["quiet", "vibrant"]}]

show (scoresArray)​

Specify an array for scores to be shown on the map['transit_friendly', 'groceries', 'quiet']);

selectionAdd (scoreString)​

Add a single score to the scores currently showing on the map


selectionRemove (scoreString)​

Remove a single score from the scores currently showing on the map


selection ()​

Returns an array of currently selected scores

> ["pedestrian_friendly", "cafes", "quiet"]

selectionHas (scoreString)​

Returns a boolean expressing whether or not the specified score is in the current selection


disable ()​

Disable the heatmap overlays on the map


enable ()​

Enable the heatmap overlays on the map


isEnable ()​

Returns a boolean expressing whether or not the map overlays are enabled




Dispatched when the map viewport is too large to display the Local Maps.

document.addEventListener('ll-heatmaps-exceeded-max-viewport', function () { console.log('some action') });


Dispatched when the map viewport is small enough to display the Local Maps.

document.addEventListener('ll-heatmaps-within-max-viewport', function () { console.log('some action') });