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Migration guide

Migrating from an old (legacy) SDK

The new Local Content SDK and Local Profiles SDK have been rebuilt from the ground up. To make the application more scalable, the SDK API has changed, and is not backwards compatible with the legacy SDK. Clients migrating from the old version will thus need to remove old code, and re-integrate using the instructions above.

Step 1: Remove Local Logic script tag

Find the line in your codebase where you are loading the Local Logic SDK script. It will likely be next to the closing </body> tag. You can also search for in your codebase.

Before you delete the code make a note of the function name assigned to callback=. If you followed our documentation it is probably called initLocallogic.

Step 2: Delete initLocallogic

Find and delete the function in your codebase you identified in Step 1.

Step 3: Get your new API Key

API keys used in the legacy SDK are not compatible with the new SDK. To get a new key please reach out to Local Logic support.

Step 4: Install new SDKs

You can now follow the documentation for the new SDKs: Installation guide